Liposculpture Beverly Hills
If you’re considering plastic surgery in or around Beverly Hills, it is imperative to find an ethical and reputable doctor. Dr. Hansen is pleased to offer his expertise in cosmetic procedures such as liposculpture.
Most people think of liposculpture purely in terms of abdominal fat removal, but there are several other uses. Combining dental procedures, such as veneers or dental implants with facial liposculpture can return your smile, face and confidence to the level of your youth. You can utilize liposuction methods to get rid of double chins, contour your cheeks and improve your profile.
Several factors contribute to fat deposits in the abdomen, face, neck, or arms. Advancing age, as well as genetic and environmental factors can lead to unappealing deposits of fat. Liposuction is a procedure used to remove fat deposits from various areas of the body. It is not to be used for weight-loss, but rather for the purpose of sculpting areas of the body that are difficult to sculpt naturally due to aging or genetics.
As with any type of cosmetic surgery, it is important to be informed before choosing to undergo a procedure. There are different types of liposuction, including dry, wet, super wet and ultrasonic methods.
Dry Liposuction
This method of liposculpture is rarely utilized anymore, although there may be special health considerations that make it appropriate on a patient to patient basis. This technique involves not using any injections into the tissue that is to be suctioned.
Wet Liposuction
The dry technique has been replaced by wet liposuction. This technique uses injections of saline, anesthetic and ephedrine. Ephedrine causes the blood vessels to constrict, so there is less bleed loss during the procedure.
Super Wet Liposuction
This technique is faster than the wet technique and involves even less blood loss, but it generally has to done under general anesthesia. It involves injecting amounts of fluid equal to the amount of tissue that is to be removed.
Ultrasound – Assisted Liposuction
Ultrasound assisted liposuction involves the use of ultrasonic vibrations to help liquefy fat cells. While this technique usually takes longer than the wet or super wet methods, it is useful in removing fat from dense or fibrous areas as of the body.
Liposculpture can be used in various ways to restore a youthful appearance. It also greatly improves a patient’s self-image and self-esteem. Whether you want to remove belly fat, or use liposuction to remove chin fat and enhance your profile, the importance of an experienced surgeon must not be understated. Some plastic surgeons will suggest procedures strictly to get your money, regardless of whether it is the best option for your health.
Dr. Hansen, in Beverly Hills, has experience in liposculpture and various other cosmetic surgery procedures, combined with an ethical practice. In the case liposuction may not be the ideal option for you; Dr. Hansen can suggest a solution for you that will produce the results you desire.
You can contact Dr. Hansen today to discuss your desired results and questions.
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