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Liposculpture Los Angeles

Liposuction is a type of cosmetic surgery that is designed to contour a person’s body into a specific shape and size. Liposuction procedures are also referred to as a tummy tuck though this type of procedure is used for more than just the stomach area of the body. People use liposuction procedures to eliminate fat from their body and to create an appealing physique. Cosmetic surgery can also be used for health reasons.

Liposuction is the elimination of fat cells from the body. People who decide to undergo this process must be qualified by surgeons and medical professionals. Surgeons will not perform liposuction techniques on people who are not committed to maintaining their new body. Individuals who are not able to temporarily stop smoking will not be accepted for liposuction because smoking interferes with a person’s body to heal itself after the procedure has been completed.

Candidates should also have good muscle tone and skin and not have any medical conditions or illnesses. People with certain diseases or major health problems will automatically be rejected for this type of practice. A surgeon’s medical staff will thoroughly evaluate each patient before allowing them to undergo this process.

Patients are able to have liposuction surgery performed on different parts of their bodies other than their stomach or waist. A person’s thighs, hips, buttocks, back and chest area can also be altered through liposuction surgery. Other areas such as the cheeks, chin, calves and ankles also qualify for this type of procedure.

Once a candidate is chosen for liposuction they will then be given an appointment time to have the procedure completed. Most liposuction procedures can be completed in outpatient clinics but sometimes surgeons will require patients to make an overnight stay in their facility or at a hospital.

When the procedure begins patients are given anesthesia or an intravenous substance for the purpose of putting them to sleep while surgeons perform their tasks. Incisions will be made into the areas of a person’s body that has been marked for surgery. Once the incision has been made a special substance is injected into a person’s body that reduces issues associated with bleeding and trauma. After this fluid has been injected a liposuction tube is inserted into the specified areas and special techniques are used to loosen fat cells. Once the fat becomes loose it is sucked or taken out of the patient’s body. After the surgery ends the patient is given time to rest and heal. Patients will not be able to evaluate their bodies until a few days after the procedure has taken place.

There is a wide variety of liposuction surgeons available for hire in the greater Los Angeles area. Dr. David Hansen is one type of cosmetic surgeon who provides this service to people who desire to eliminate extra layers of fat from off of their body. Dr. David Hansen has been providing exceptional liposuction services to patients within Los Angeles for many years. He is highly trained, skilled and qualified in various liposuction procedures. People who are in search of liposculpture Los Angeles can use the services of Dr. David Hansen who is ready to accept new patients.


Dr. David Hansen

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